Hotel > Hotel > Rewarded hotel > Prix Bienvenu
After 2016 we also received the popular Prix Bienvenu in 2018. Hundreds of thousands of worldwide guest evaluations led to the 7th place of the friendliest Swiss city hotels.
Of course.
Yes. And it comes from our hearts. Not that this is not the case with other hotels and guesthouses. But often stress gets in the way. And when a guest wants something from you…!
Therefore we have abolished the stress. Yes, really. Especially our employees with a handicap cannot be disturbed by anything. And the rest of the team likes to be infected by it.
This remarkably decelerated atmosphere is greatly appreciated by our guests.
They don’t know us yet’ then it is about time. We are looking forward to seeing you! 🙂
DASBREITEHOTEL in Basel am Rhein gelegen.
*** ganz schön anders. Aussen pulsierende Stadt, innen gradliniges Design. Das durch und durch nachhaltige und barrierefreie Integrationshotel schafft eine bemerkenswert entschleunigte Atmosphäre.
ZĂĽrcherstrasse 149
4052 Basel, Schweiz
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